Sunday, 5 June 2011

OPI Dulce de Leche

Here are some pictures long long overdue.
Excuses excuses... haha... Anyway, here is Dulce de Leche from OPI. You've prolly seen it on someone else's blog for the hundredth time. Anyway... mine is no different.
It's an awesome color, but I do think it suits skintone which are a little more pink. I'm too yellow to look nice in it.

OPI Dulce de Leche 2 coats + seche vite tc

OPI Dulce de Leche 2 coats + sv tc
It's a little too dark for my liking, but I do know this is a great color for some, just not for me. :(

But one thing to note, it's very opaque. Color true to the bottle in 2 coats. Love it!

My bottle does get a little stringy on me, I'm not sure why though. I'll prolly put some seche vite restore on it sometime soon.

All in all, quite a nice nude color for a darker skintone.

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